Branding: A Timeline

Have you ever wondered where the term “branding” came from? Believe it or not, it began as a simple solution for a person to differentiate his cattle from his neighbors’. Each ranch needed their own unique mark so ownership could be determined if their cattle somehow got mixed up with the cattle from the ranch […]

Know Thy Widget

Do you know what you sell? What’s your “widget”? I know that sounds like a really silly question, but it’s one you should ask yourself. How many times have you attended a networking event and been asked “So, what do you do?” What does your answer sound like? Are you happy with it? Is who […]

Differentiation or Bust

Identifying differentiators is one of the favorite parts of my job. I love coming up with unique ways to differentiate my clients from the competition and position my clients in a favorable light. The objective with differentiation is uncovering what is special about a product or service in such a way it’s memorable and preferable. […]

Look at Your Brand Like You Would a First Date

Think back to a first date experience that you have had. You probably considered everything from the clothes you wore to the location where you met and what kind of conversation you wanted to have.  All of your thoughts were intended to create an experience that you and hopefully your date would want to repeat. […]

6 Layers to Defining Your Brand Architecture

Solid brand architecture articulates and defines the varying layers within your brand and provides a hierarchy that explains the relationships between the different products, services, and components that make up your company’s portfolio.  This architecture should provide your customers an easy to understand explanation (a road map if you will) of the value and relationship […]

What’s Your Brand’s Sizzle?

“Sell the Sizzle NOT the Steak”.   Have you heard that before?  It’s well-known in marketing, advertising and branding circles. To get noticed in the business world, you have to WOW potential clients each and every time – especially when you’re promoting your products and services. You have to put the right things in place to […]

Do They Get You?

You can make money by understanding the power of brand and implementing that knowledge. How? By connecting the dots for your audience; if dots don’t connect, or if they don’t make sense, consumers pause—and a pause is a “no.” You need to know how to eliminate the “no” and make it really easy for your […]

Superheroes: The brand goes beyond the cape

I bet you can name each superhero shown without their names being revealed. You can immediately identify the rich guy with the sidekick, the one bitten by an insect, the one who knows his way around a bow and arrow, and the one from another planet with amazing strength. Describing their brand attributes is as […]

What we can Learn from Celebrity Personal Brands

Personal branding can make the life of a celebrity much easier. A good personal brand will attract a lot of attention and hype. While some celebrities are simply popular because of their work, there are some who have gone the extra mile to create a killer personal brand that has provided much profit and influence. […]

What’s your secret sauce?

For those of you who have survived the journey to launching your startup and/or for those who have worn a familiar path in your existing business you may be wondering how to take the next step in finding new customers and growing your livelihood beyond its current status.  Marketing and campaign ideas can be gleaned from […]