What Is A Brand Style Guide?

A brand style guide is a document that establishes distinct guidelines on how all aspects of a company’s brand should look, sound, and feel. It should include rules for a unified and identifiable presence for the company’s brand, and should be used to help employees properly communicate the message of the brand to internal departments, […]

Typography Counts Too…

In my book MOO-LAH-GY, I talk about the importance of typography. One of the illustrations I use to get my point across is a cute quote I found that says, “I’m silently judging your font choice.” I love it because it’s a humorous way to articulate that something as simple as typography can immediately elicit […]

There is No "I" in Team…

In today’s fast-moving digital, 24/7 business era, we face an entirely new environment for innovation and collaboration. Simply put the best companies are the best collaborators. Re-Tool marketing follows the old mantra “there is no “I” in team. It sounds cliché but it is fundamental to how our agency and its processes are run. I […]

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen…

If you are a service provider, do you ask for one point person from the client side of the project? Do you find that sometimes others find their way into weighing in until at some point, there are multiple decision makers? Once in awhile it is inevitable that you will have a client who has […]

Have a Process and Respect It…

What is the difference between a business that regularly produces amazing work product versus a business that manages to craft just mediocre work product? The answer is in having well-developed (and well-defined), consistently executed but continuously improving processes. What is a process? A process is a set of defined tasks needed to complete a given […]

Branding vs. Marketing

I’m asked all the time what the difference is between the two. Many liken it to the old phrase, “Which came first… the chicken or the egg?” Well, in the case of branding versus marketing, branding comes first. So, what is branding? What is marketing? They are distinctly stand-alone entities and yet, they do their […]

The Power of 3: Image + Voice + Promise = Brand

It’s always interesting to see how a brand comes together and what contributes to its success. It can seem like companies that excel at branding effortlessly create something magical, but the truth is that they put a lot of thought into how they brand their widget (service/product/organization). While branding encompasses everything from customer touch points […]

Design is Everything (almost)…

Any time I attend a networking event and tell people I build brands, there are several people who respond with, “Branding is so important. Thank goodness there isn’t anything wrong with mine.” And so it goes. Nobody thinks their kids are ugly—and they certainly don’t want to hear that they are from someone they’ve just […]

Who Are You?

Can you answer these two questions? What are you known for? What happens because of you? Try to think of personal branding like a marketing strategy focused on you. So often we concentrate on everything but us; however, when it comes to personal branding, you have to be the priority. Part of the challenge is […]

Re-Tool Marketing’s Client, Savor Culinary Services, Wins USPCA Award for Best Website

And the award goes to… Savor Culinary Services. Website design and development by Re-Tool Marketing, a Minneapolis based boutique agency focused on client differentiation and positioning. RTM is proud to announce that Chef Deb Cantrell’s corporate website, Savor Culinary Services was awarded Best Website by the United States Personal Chef Association (USPCA). Savor Culinary Services, […]