How Picasso Helped Me Articulate My Value
I ran across this story about Picasso a while ago and thought it perfectly summarized how an expert service provider should feel about their offerings. The story goes something like this… There is a legend that tells the story of Picasso sketching in a park when a woman approaches who recognizes him and begs for […]
Does a Brand Have a Dollar Value?
I’ve been in the middle of many conversations listening to early stage businesses share that they have not invested much into building a brand because they can’t directly tie it back to ROI. They go on to say sales is paramount to growing the business, so the emphasis is placed there. Makes sense… except from […]
The Need for Your Brand’s re-Fresh…
Most clients come to me thinking they need to do what I call a re-Fresh. They don’t want to change too much if they don’t have to, and they want to reduce the risk of there being a disconnect with their loyal customers if they completely re-Brand themselves. However, just because you can still fit […]
What is a re-Brand?
A re-Brand is a little bit of a different story from our re-Fresh blog a few weeks ago. In this case, a re-Brand indicates a lot changes need to happen. Certainly, the visual identity, including the logo changes, but sometimes the business even gets a new name. As I’m sure you can imagine, this decision […]
Is It Time for a Brand Audit?
No one thinks his or her kid is ugly. So, when clients come to me asking what they should do about their established brand, it’s sometimes a tricky conversation. I fully recognize what it has taken them to get their business to the point of coming to me in the first place. I know they […]
Customers Want An Experience
Have you ever gone to an event and found out they had free valet parking? Even though you didn’t expect it, you’re able to get out of your car right in front of the entrance and some nice people make your car disappear and bring it right back to you when you need it next. […]
Your Brand as a Strategy
Customers need you to define your brand well because they need brands—and the promises they convey—to help them to make purchasing decisions in an environment where they can become exhausted with all the options. If the customer trusts your brand they’ll pay for it and worry about the details later. Developing a brand is like […]
Milking for Moo-lah
So, what do you do if you’re an entrepreneur who is crystal clear on what you sell (your widget), but not sure about the pieces and parts to bring said widget to market? Buy my book. I’d been asked for years to write MOO-LAH-GY, but the thought of carving out time necessary to generate a […]
It's a "No" Until It's a "Yes"…
Just because you’ve built a brand doesn’t mean you’re done and everyone will want to buy. It isn’t like the famous line in the movie, Field of Dreams: “If you build it, he will come.” I wish it were that simple. No one said starting a business would be easy. It requires a great idea, […]
It Takes A Village to Build A Brand…
Does it take a village to build a brand? The answer is a resounding YES! My team and I are always up for ambitious undertakings and many times we are asked to manage things for a client in the 11th hour. Those “fires” seem to be perfectly suited to align with our strengths. Mapping out […]