It’s Not An Identity Crisis

Your website is the heartbeat of your business. Your 24/7 marketing real estate. It promotes your brand’s story, point of view and it’s only-ness. Inherently those three things evolve over time. New chapters are written, services or products are added and your business (hopefully) stretches and grows. That said, with all the changes that occur […]
We Took A Break and That’s A-Okay

Our tiny corner of the blogosphere has been quiet since last October. That has been a conscious and purposeful decision. With so much going on in our collective worlds due to the pandemic, the constant din of social media, a news cycle that never stops and a level of uncertainty that has permeated daily […]
Standing Out In A COVID-19 Influenced Landscape

There is little debate that COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and led to fundamental shifts in the way people think, work, eat, shop and interact. These significant changes to our way of life have offered us a collective pause. Consequently this has generated quite a quandary (and an opportunity) for brands as they […]
Why Marketing Your Brand During The Current Climate Remains Relevant

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. We ALL are very aware of that. A majority of businesses and their employees have adjusted to working from home and company leaders hoping the storm would have passed are continually tasked with adjusting to the storm that just won’t go away, Everyone initially was focused on getting […]
Does My Brand Need Rework?

If we had a dollar for every time someone asked us “Does my brand need re-work?”, we would be have quite the bank. Typically when someone is asking, it is because they already know that the answer is a resounding “yes” but oftentimes people need validation and subsequent direction as they are honestly just too […]
Is Your Brand Proactive or Reactive?

COVID-19’s rapid growth into a global pandemic has without a doubt completely altered the dynamics of how brands are managing their marketing and advertising. We have witnessed firsthand how TV commercials for big name brands such as Google, Frito-Lay, Ford, Walmart, and Apple have shifted their messaging around highlighting people especially essential workers, not their […]
Adaptability Is the New Currency

Businesses of all sizes are finding themselves in need of a hard pivot as the global COVID-19 pandemic touches absolutely every facet of life/work. No industries are immune as traditional business models have completely been upended. Those models in a matter of weeks have had to be re-architected in an attempt to stem the […]
Brand Legacy…Do You Know Yours?

Your legacy is something you create during your life solely to benefit future generations. A legacy, in its purest form, is a gift you leave behind without expecting anything in return. Legacies do not happen overnight and they do not happen by accident. They are deliberately crafted and require years of dedication and forethought. Your […]
Reassessing Your Brand as a New Year Begins

The dawn of New Year is a great time to launch fresh strategies that can transform your brand into one that is more valuable in the eyes of clients and potential clients. Like most great resolutions putting more time, thought and effort into evolving your brand always comes with the best of intentions; a brand […]
We Are Raving Fans of These Two TED Talks

As we collectively wind down 2019 and begin to consider how we desire our 2020 to begin we thought we would share our thoughts and takeaways about two of our favorite TED Talks. TED talks are a fantastic and endless source of inspiration and education for a multitude of areas for both personal and professional […]