The Five Words I Heard From A "Shark"

April 24, 2017

“How do I know you?”

Just five simple words that most would probably overlook given the opportunity to meet this famous business mogul. Sometimes in a surreal moment the other person talking sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher and you miss everything (at least the good parts) of what they are saying because you cannot believe you are experiencing that particular moment. In my case, Daymond John’s words hit me like a freight train.

“Hi, I’m Kelly.” I said.

“How do I know you?” he said.

Here’s the fascinating part… he DOESN’T know me. Some might say that happens all the time… being compared to someone because you resemble another. Most often, it’s shrugged off and everyone moves on because they can’t figure out which celebrity or famous person you remind them of. But, in this case, Mr. John didn’t let it go.

I said, “You don’t know me.”

He said, “I know I know you.”

The scribbles in my autographed copy of his book proved that he was bewildered by it. My friend in line behind me received a written, “God bless.” I received an illegible “Kelly” – probably because during our time together Mr. John strained to try and fit the puzzle pieces together by staring intently at me.

Weird scenario, right? I don’t think so and it almost certainly proves what I’ve been preaching to my clients for so, so long.

So, how does Mr. Daymond John know little ol’ me? LinkedIn. Yep. You heard me correctly. LinkedIn. You see, I saw Daymond John speak on stage at GROWCO approximately one year prior to our meeting. Following that event, I connected with him on LinkedIn. Nothing more was exchanged beyond the connection itself. But, it’s my belief that my LinkedIn profile picture left an impression with him that triggered a memory point almost a year later.

Believe it or not, this happens to me a lot. I run into people all the time who say they know me. When I ask them how, they respond, “social media.” Even if I’m not connected to them. How is that possible? Well, they most likely have encountered a tag or mention of me somewhere along the way and the images I chose may have triggered a visceral response. Images do that, you know. You can leave a lasting impression with just the right picture.


When you choose to post an image that corresponds with your point of view or a comment you make, an article you author or a head shot used for your social media thumbnails, your social media backgrounds, email templates, or collateral how do you decide what to use? What determines the choice? Personal preference? Because someone said they liked the image?

You’ve heard the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Right? The saying suggests that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning/essence more effectively than a description does. Well, the idea doesn’t have to be complex as much as it needs to have an impact. Pictures are powerful creatures.

So how do you choose powerful, impactful images? Think about your audience. What will make them gasp, cry, ponder, reflect, share, pause, hope?? Use those pictures. Still confused? There’s a do-it-yourself solution right HERE.

So which picture did Mr. John see on LinkedIn? Click my profile and check it out!


